Membership Application

Bring this application to the meeting with you. (Print this application in PDF format HERE.)


TELEPHONE:(home)_______________________      (work) _________________________

(cell)   ________________________     (fax)   _________________________

ADDRESS:  _______________________________________________________________

CITY, STATE, ZIP:___________________________   E-MAIL:_______________________

Are you a member of the Great Dane Club of America?   ☐ Yes ☐ No

Are you 18 years of age or older? ☐ Yes ☐ No

List other All-Breed or Specialty Clubs to which you now belong or have belonged and offices held (if any):

If elected to Membership, are you be willing to serve on a Committee(s):  ☐ Yes    ☐ No

Committee(s) interested in working on:  (please check ANY of interest )

☐ Advertising/Catalog ☐  Dinner Arrangements  ☐  Membership   ☐   Publicity

☐ Audio/Photography ☐  Obedience Classes  ☐  Roster   ☐   The Newsletter

☐ Awards  ☐  Historian   ☐  Pet Therapy/Health  ☐   Show Handling Classes

☐ Breed Trophies ☐ Match Show   ☐  Point Show   ☐   Special Events

☐ Budget / Audit ☐  Material/Property  ☐  Programs   ☐   Sunshine

☐ Community Service ☐  Meeting Hospitality  ☐  Public Education  ☐   Web Site

☐ Phone Tree  ☐  Librarian

If elected to Membership, I hereby agree to abide by the Constitution and By-Laws of the The Northern New Jersey Great Dane Club and the Rules and Regulations of the Great Dane Club of America and American Kennel Club.


Signature of Applicant:

Annual Dues, check application box
ONE time Application Fee:  $10.00 ☐

Individual Membership   $25.00 ☐

Two Members of Immediate Family $40.00 ☐

Junior Membership   $10.00 ☐

Note: 1) Application fee must be included with membership application and is not refundable.

2) Annual Dues should not be paid until membership is accepted.


Name of Sponsor   Signature of Sponsor     Length of time known



There must be two sponsors from different families for each applicant.

Letters of Recommendation from each Sponsor must accompany this application.

Please forward completed application along with application fee to:

NNJGDC c/o Jeffrey D, Ball. 11 Pershing Avenue. Ridgewood, New Jersey 07450


Received by Membership Chairperson _____________

Read at meeting  ______________________________

Notice to membership____________________

Voted on:  ___________________________________  Accept ☐ Decline ☐